Job Description JSON Schema

The Job Description json (input of Tibanna) defines an individual execution. It has two parts, args and config. args contains information about pipeline, input files, output bucket, input parameters, etc. config has parameters about AWS such as instance type, EBS size, ssh password, etc.

Example job description for CWL

  "args": {
    "cwl_directory_url": "",
    "cwl_main_filename": "pairsam-parse-sort.cwl",
    "cwl_version": "v1",
    "input_files": {
      "bam": {
        "bucket_name": "montys-data-bucket",
        "object_key": "dataset1/sample1.bam"
      "chromsize": {
        "bucket_name": "montys-data-bucket",
        "object_key": "references/hg38.chrom.sizes"
    "input_parameters": {
      "nThreads": 16
    "input_env": {
      "TEST_ENV_VAR": "abcd"
    "output_S3_bucket": "montys-data-bucket",
    "output_target": {
      "out_pairsam": "output/dataset1/sample1.sam.pairs.gz"
    "secondary_output_target": {
      "out_pairsam": "output/dataset1/sample1.sam.pairs.gz.px2"
  "config": {
    "instance_type": "t3.micro",
    "ebs_size": 10,
    "EBS_optimized": true,
    "log_bucket": "montys-log-bucket"


The args field describe pipeline, input and output.

Pipeline specification


  • <local_directory_that_contains_cwl_file(s)>
  • If this is set, cwl_directory_url can be skipped.
  • <main_cwl_file> (e.g. ‘pairsam-parse-sort.cwl’)
  • This file must be in the cwl url given by cwl_directory_url.
  • The actual cwl link would be cwl_directory_url + ‘’ + cwl_main_file_name
  • <list_of_cwl_files> or [] (e.g. [‘step1.cwl’, ‘step2.cwl’])
  • An array of all the other cwl files that are called by the main cwl file. If the main CWL file is of ‘workflow’ type, the other CWL files corresponding to steps or subworkflows should be listed here.
  • either v1 or draft-3 (starting with tibanna version 1.0.0, draft-3 is no longer supported.)
  • This option uses Singularity to run Docker images internally (slower). This option does NOT support native Singularity images, since CWL does not support native Singularity images.
  • either true or false
  • This is an optional field. (default false)


  • This field must be set to wdl to run a WDL pipeline.
  • To run an old version (draft2) of WDL, set it to wdl_draft2. This will direct Tibanna to specifically use an older version of Cromwell. Some draft2 WDLs may be supported by the later version of Cromwell. Use the wdl_draft2 option only if the old WDL does not work with the later version of Cromwell.
  • <local_directory_that_contains_wdl_file(s)>
  • If this is set, wdl_directory_url can be skipped.
  • <main_wdl_file> (e.g. ‘pairsam-parse-sort.wdl’)
  • This file must be in the wdl url given by wdl_directory_url.
  • The actual wdl link would be wdl_directory_url + ‘’ + wdl_file_name
  • <list_of_wdl_files> or [] (e.g. [‘subworkflow1.wdl’, ‘subworkflow2.wdl’])
  • An array of all the other wdl files that are called by the main wdl file. This could happen if there are the main WDL file is using another WDL file as a subworkflow.

Shell command-specific

  • This field must be set to shell to run a shell command without CWL/WDL.
  • <Docker image name>
  • <shell command to be executed inside the Docker container>
  • a pair of nested double quotes are allowed
  • (e.g.
"command": "echo \"haha\" > outfile"


  • This field must be set to snakemake to run a Snakemake pipeline.
  • This is a required field.
  • It is highly recommended to use the official Snakemake Docker image (snakemake/snakemake)
  • This is a required field.
  • Most likely it will be snakemake but it can be run with other snakemake otions.
  • (e.g.
"command": "snakemake <target> --use-conda"
  • a pair of nested double quotes are allowed
  • (e.g.
"command": "snakemake <target> --config=region=\"22:30000000-40000000\"
  • This is a required field.
  • Most likely it will be Snakefile (do not include directory name).
  • This is an optional field.
  • This may include other workflow-related files including env.yml, config.json, etc. (Do not include directory name).
  • The location (directory path) of the snakemake_main_filename and snake_child_filenames.
  • Use this if the workflow files are local.
  • The url (directory only) of the snakemake_main_filename and snake_child_filenames.
  • Use this if the worlfow files are accessible through a url (either http:// or s3://.

Input data specification

  • A dictionary that contains input files. The keys must match the input argument names of the CWL/WDL.
  • It contains bucket_name, object_key as required fields.
  • Optionally, it may contain the following fields:
    • profile if the bucket can only be accessed through profile (profile can be set during Tibanna deployment)
    • rename if the file name must be changed upon download to the EC2 instance. This could be useful if your files are organized in certain names on S3 but the pipeline requires it to have a different name.
    • unzip to unzip the file during the upload to the EBS volume. Supported compression types are “gz” and “bz2”.
    • mount to mount the input instead of downloading. This saves downloading time but may slow down the file reading slightly. The mounting is done at the bucket level to the EBS. We have tested up to 50 instances concurrently mounting the same bucket with no problem - if you’re running 10,000 jobs, we cannot guarantee if this would still work. mount and rename cannot be used together. If another input file is specified without mount but from the same bucket, this other input file will be downloaded to the running instance even though the bucket is mounted.
  • object_key and rename can be a singleton, an array, an array of arrays or an array of arrays of arrays.
  • (e.g.
    "bam": {
        "bucket_name": "montys-data-bucket",
        "object_key": "dataset1/sample1.bam",
        "mount": true
    "chromsize": {
        "bucket_name": "montys-data-bucket",
        "object_key": "references/JKGFALIFVG.chrom.sizes"
        'rename': 'some_dir_on_ec2/hg38.chrom.sizes'


  • key can be a target file path (to be used inside container run environment) starting with file:// instead of CWL/WDL argument name.

    • Input data can only be downloaded to /data1/input or /data1/<language_name> where <language_name is cwl|wdl|shell|snakemake. The latter /data1/<language_name> is the working directory for snakemake and shell.
    • It is highly recommended to stick to using only argument names for CWL/WDL for pipeline reproducibility, since they are already clearly defined in CWL/WDL (especially for CWL).
    • (e.g.
        "file:///data1/shell/mysample1.bam": {
            "bucket_name": "montys-data-bucket",
            "object_key": "dataset1/sample1.bam"
  • A dictionary of the same format as input_file but contains secondary files.
  • The keys must match the input argument name of the CWL/WDL where the secondary file belongs.
  • (e.g.
    "bam": {
        "bucket_name": "montys-data-bucket",
        "object_key": "dataset1/sample1.bam.bai"


  • A dictionary that contains input parameter values. Default parameters don’t need to be included. The keys must match the input argument name of the CWL/WDL.
  • (e.g.
    'nThreads': 16


  • A dictionary that specifies environment variables to be passed.
  • Do not use this feature to pass in AWS_ACCESS_KEY and/or AWS_SECRET_KEY or AWS_REGION - it will interfere with the bucket permission of the instance.
  • (e.g.
    "TEST_ENV_VAR": "abcd"


Output target specification

  • The name of the bucket where output files will be sent to.
  • A dictionary that contains a desired object keys to be put inside output bucket. This can be useful if, for example, the pipeline always generates an output file of the same name (e.g. report, output.txt, etc) but the user wants to distinguish them by sample names in the output bucket. If not set, the original output file names will be used as object key.
  • (e.g.
  "out_pairsam": "output/dataset1/sample1.sam.pairs.gz"


  • key can be a source file path (to be used inside container run environment) starting with file:// instead of CWL/WDL argument name.
  • (e.g.
  "file:///data1/out/some_random_output.txt": "output/some_random_output.txt"
  • It is highly recommended to stick to using only argument names for CWL/WDL for pipeline reproducibility, since they are already clearly defined in CWL/WDL (especially for CWL).
  • Starting with version 1.0.0, a dictionary format is also accepted for individual target, with keys object_key bucket_name, object_prefix and/or unzip. For a regular file output, object_key and bucket_name can be used. The use of bucket_name here allows using a different output bucket for specific output files. For a directory, object_prefix can be used instead which will be used as if it is the directory name on S3. object_prefix may or may not have the trailing /. unzip is boolean (either true or false) and can be applied to a case when the output file is a zip file and you want the content to be extracted into a directory on an S3 bucket.
  • (e.g.
    "out_pairsam": {
       "object_key": "output/renamed_pairsam_file"
    "out_pairsam": {
       "object_key": "output/renamed_pairsam_file",
       "bucket_name" : "some_different_bucket"
    "some_output_as_dir": {
        "object_prefix": "some_dir_output/",
        "bucket_name": "some_different_bucket"
   "out_zip": {
      "object_prefix": "zip_output/",
      "unzip": true
  • One or multiple tags can be automatically added to each ouput file by specifying the tag key. In the following example, two (object-level) tags are added to the result file. Note that the tag-set must be encoded as URL Query parameters. In case the unzip key is specified in addition to the tag key, each file in the output directory will be tagged.
   "out_zip": {
      "object_key": "result.txt",
      "tag": "Key1=Value1&Key2=Value2"
  • Similar to output_target but for secondary files.
  • (e.g.
  "out_pairsam": "output/dataset1/sample1.sam.pairs.gz.px2"


  • In case output argnames are conditional (see an example in simple_example_cond_merge), specify a global output name that can point to one of the conditional outputs.
  • This applies only to WDL since CWL does not support conditional statements.
  • (e.g.
'alt_cond_output_argnames' : {
  'merged' : ['cond_merged.paste.pasted', '']
'output_target': {
  'merged' : 'somedir_on_s3/somefilename'

Dependency specification

  • List of other jobs that should finish before the job starts
  • Currently, only execution arns are accepted. An execution arn of a given run is printed out after running the tibanna run_workflow command. It can also be retrieved from the response of the run_workflow function (response['_tibanna']['exec_arn']).
    "exec_arn": ["arn:aws:states:us-east-1:643366669028:execution:tibanna_unicorn_default_7927:md5_test"]

Custom error handling

  • List of dictionaries describing custom error types
  • This field allows users to define workflow-specific errors based on a string pattern in log. Tibanna CheckTask step will parse the logs and detect this error.
  • This does not serve as error detection - it serves as error identification once the run has failed.
  • If the matching error happens, you’ll see the error type and the corresponding line(s) of the error in the log file printed as the Exception in Step function.
  • error_type is a short tag that defines the name of the error.
  • pattern is the regex pattern to be detected in the log.
  • multiline (optional) should be set True if pattern is multi-line (e.g. contains \n).
         "error_type": "Unmatching pairs in fastq"
         "pattern": "paired reads have different names: .+",
         "multiline": False


The config field describes execution configuration.

  • <log_bucket_name>
  • This is where the logs of the Tibanna runs are sent to.
  • required
  • <instance_type>
  • This or mem and cpu are required if Benchmark is not available for a given workflow.
  • If both instance_type and mem & cpu are specified, then instance_type is the first choice.
  • <memory_in_gb>
  • required is Benchmark is not available for a given workflow and if instance_type is not specified.
  • mem specifies memory requirement - instance_type is auto-determined based on mem and cpu.
  • Starting version 1.2.0, 1GB is added to mem when choosing an instance type by default. To turn off This automatic increase in memory, set mem_as_is to be true.
  • <true|false>
  • If true, the value set in mem is used as it is when choosing an instance type. If false, 1GB is added by default, to accommodate the memory consumption of the house-keeping processes.
  • This field is available for >=1.2.0
  • <number_of_cores>
  • required is Benchmark is not available for a given workflow and if instance_type is not specified.
  • cpu specifies number of cores required to run a given workflow - instance_type is auto-determined based on mem and cpu.
  • <ebs_size_in_gb>
  • The EBS volume size used for data (input, output, or any intermediary files). This volume is mounted as /data1 on the EC2 instance and as /data1 inside Docker image when running in the shell or snakemake mode.
  • 10 is minimum acceptable value.
  • set as 10 if not specified and if Benchmark is not available for a given workflow.
  • It can be provided in the format of <s>x (e.g. 3x, 5.5x) to request <s> times total input size. (or 10 is smaller than 10)
  • Starting version 1.2.0, 5GB is added to ebs_size by default. To turn off This automatic increase in EBS size, set ebs_size_as_is to be true.
  • <true|false>
  • If true, the value set in ebs_size is used as it is. If false, 5GB is added by default, to accommodate the disk usage of house-keeping processes and docker image/containers.
  • This field is available for >=1.2.0
  • <ebs_optimized> true, false or ‘’ (blank)
  • required if Benchmark is not available for a given workflow.
  • Whether the specific instance type should be EBS_optimized. It can be True only for an instance type that can be EBS optimized. If instance type is unspecified, leave this as blank.
  • <root_ebs_size_in_gb>

  • default 8

  • For versions < 1.0.0, Tibanna uses two separate EBS volumes, one for docker image, another for data. Most of the times, the 8GB root EBS that is used for docker images has enough space. However, if the docker image is larger than 5GB or if multiple large docker images are used together, one may consider increasing root ebs size. Any directory that is used inside a docker image (e.g. /tmp when running in the shell mode) that is not mounted from the data EBS could also cause a no space left in device error on the root EBS volume. It is recommended to use a directory under /data1 as a temp directory when running in the shell mode, which is mounted from data EBS.

  • This field is supported in version 0.9.0 or higher. If an older version has been used, redeploy run_task_awsem to enable this feature, after installing 0.9.0 or higher, as below.

    tibanna deploy_core -n run_task_awsem -g <usergroup> [-s <suffix>]
  • For versions >= 1.0.0, this field is no longer needed (though still supported) since the docker image also uses the data EBS and not the root EBS starting 1.0.0. This means for a large docker image, it is recommended to increase ebs_size rather than root_ebs_size. It takes effect only if run_task_awsem is redeployed as above. For consistency, when you redeploy run_task_awsem from version < 1.0.0 to version >= 1.0.0, it is also recommended to redeploy check_task_awsem with the same version.

  • either number of minutes or string ‘now’
  • ‘now’ would make the EC2 instance to terminate immediately after a workflow run. This option saves cost if the pipeline is stable. If debugging may be needed, one could set shutdown_min to be for example, 30, in which case the instance will keep running for 30 minutes after completion of the workflow run. During this time, a user could ssh into the instance.
  • optional (default : “now”)
  • <password_for_ssh> or ‘’ (blank)
  • One can use either password or key_name (below) as ssh mechanism, if the user wants an option to ssh into the instance manually for monitoring/debugging purpose. Tibanna itself does not use ssh.
  • The password can be any string and anyone with the password and the ip address of the EC2 instance can ssh into the machine.
  • optional (default : no password-based ssh)
  • <key_pair_name> or ‘’ (blank)
  • One can use either password (above) or key_name as ssh mechanism, if the user wants an option to ssh into the instance manually for monitoring/debugging purpose. Tibanna itself does not use ssh.
  • The key pair should be an existing key pair and anyone with the key pair .pem file and the ip address of the EC2 instance can ssh into the machine.
  • optional (default : no key-based ssh)
  • IOPS of the io1, io2 or gp3 type EBS
  • optional (default: unset)
  • Provisioned throughput of the gp3 type EBS (MiB/s). Must be an integer between 125 and 1000.
  • optional (default: unset)
  • type of EBS (e.g. gp3, gp2, io1, io2)
  • optional (default: gp3 (version >= 1.0.0) or gp2 (version < 1.0.0))
  • This option is now depricated.
  • if true, Memory Used, Disk Used, CPU Utilization Cloudwatch metrics are collected into a single Cloudwatch Dashboard page. (default false)
  • Warning: very expensive - Do not use it unless absolutely neessary. Cloudwatch metrics are collected for every awsem EC2 instances even if this option is turned off. The Dashboard option makes it easier to look at them together.
  • There is a limit of 1,000 CloudWatch Dashboards per account, so do not turn on this option for more than 1,000 runs.
  • if true, request spot instance instead of an On-Demand instance
  • optional (default false)
  • Max duration of spot instance in min (no default). If set, request a fixed-duration spot instance instead of a regular spot instance. spot_instance must be set true.
  • optional (no default)
  • behavior when a requested instance type (or spot instance) is not available due to instance limit or unavailability.
  • available options :
    • fail (default)
    • wait_and_retry (wait and retry with the same instance type again),
    • other_instance_types top 10 cost-effective instance types will be tried in the order
      (mem and cpu must be set in order for this to work),
    • retry_without_spot (try with the same instance type but not a spot instance) : this option is applicable only when spot_instance is set to `True
  • specify availability zone (by default, availability zone is randomly selected within region by AWS)
  • e.g. us-east-1a
  • optional (no default)
  • specify security group. This feature may be useful to launch an instance to a specific VPC.

  • e.g. sg-00151073fdf57305f

  • optional (no default)

  • This feature is supported in version 0.15.6 or higher. If an older version has been used, redeploy run_task_awsem to enable this feature, after installing 0.15.6 or higher, as below.

    tibanna deploy_core -n run_task_awsem -g <usergroup> [-s <suffix>]
  • specify subnet ID. This feature may be useful to launch an instance to a specific VPC. If you don’t have default VPC, subnet must be specified.

  • e.g. subnet-efb1b3c4

  • optional (no default)

  • This feature is supported in version 0.15.6 or higher. If an older version has been used, redeploy run_task_awsem to enable this feature, after installing 0.15.6 or higher, as below.

    tibanna deploy_core -n run_task_awsem -g <usergroup> [-s <suffix>]