Command-line tools¶
Admin only commands¶
The following commands require admin previlege to one’s AWS account.
To create an instance of tibanna unicorn (step function + lambdas)
tibanna deploy_unicorn [<options>]
-b|--buckets=<bucket1,bucket2,...> List of buckets to use for tibanna runs.
The associated lambda functions, EC2
instances and user group will be given
permission to these buckets.
-S|--no-setup Skip setup buckets/permissions and just
redeploy tibanna step function and lambdas.
This is useful when upgrading the existing
tibanna that's already set up.
-E|--no-setenv Do not overwrite TIBANNA_DEFAULT_STEP_FUNCTION_NAME
environmental variable in your bashrc.
-s|--suffix=<suffixname> Using suffix helps deploying various dev-version
tibanna. The step function and lambda functions
will have the suffix. Having a different suffix
does not create a new user group with a different
permission (for this purpose use --usergroup).
-g|--usergroup=<usergroup> Tibanna usergroup to share the permission to access
buckets and run jobs
-P|--do-not-delete-public-access-block Do not delete public access block from buckets
(this way postrunjson and metrics reports will
not be public)
- -C|–deploy-costupdater Deploys an additional step function that will periodically
- check, if the cost for a workflow run can be retrieved from AWS. If it is available, it will automatically update the metrics report.
Note: starting 0.9.0
, users do not need to export AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
any more.
Deploy/update only a single lambda function
tibanna deploy_core -n <lambda_name> [<options>]
where <lambda_name>
would be either run_task_awsem
or check_task_awsem`.
-s|--suffix=<suffixname> Using suffix helps deploying various dev-version tibanna.
The step function and lambda functions will have the suffix.
-g|--usergroup=<usergroup> Tibanna usergroup to share the permission to access
buckets and run jobs
To remove Tibanna components on AWS.
tibanna cleanup -g <usergroup> ...
-s|--suffix=<suffixname> If suffix was used to deploy a tibanna, it should be added
here. The step function and lambda functions will have the
suffix at the end.
-E|--do-not-ignore-errors By default, if any of the components does not exist (e.g.
already removed), it does not throw an error and keeps on
to remove the other components. Using this option turns off
this feature and will throw an error.
-G|--do-not-remove-iam-group if set, it does not remove the IAM permissions. This option
is recommended if various suffices are used to share the
same usergroup.
-p|--purge-history if set, remove all the job logs and other job-related files
from S3 bucket and dynamoDB. Please use with caution.
-q|--quiet run quietly
- Advanced user only
To set up environment on AWS without deploying tibanna, use tibanna setup_tibanna_env.
tibanna setup_tibanna_env <options>
-g|--usergroup-tag=<usergrouptag> an identifier for a usergroup that shares
a tibanna permission
-R|--no-randomize do not add a random number to generate a
usergroup name (e.g. the usergroup name used
will be identical to the one specified using
the ``--usergrou-tag`` option. By default,
a random number will be added at the end
(e.g. default_2721).
-b|--buckets=<bucket_list> A comma-delimited list of bucket names - the
buckets to which Tibanna needs access to
through IAM role (input, output, log).
-P|--do-not-delete-public-access-block Do not delete public access block from buckets
(this way postrunjson and metrics reports will
not be public)
Non-admin user commands¶
The following commands can be used by a non-admin user, as long as the user belongs to the right user group.
To run workflow
tibanna run_workflow --input-json=<input_json_file> [<options>]
-s|--sfn=<stepfunctionname> An example step function name may be
'tibanna_unicorn_defaut_3978'. If not specified, default
value is taken from environmental variable
-j JOBID, --jobid JOBID specify a user-defined job id (randomly generated if
not specified)
-B, --do-not-open-browser Do not open browser
-S SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP Number of seconds between submission, to avoid drop-
out (default 3)
To run multiple workflows in a batch. This command does not open browser and job ids are
always automatically assigned. This function is available for Tibanna versions >= 1.0.0
tibanna run_batch_workflows -i <input_json_file> [<input_json_file2>] [...] [<options>]
-s|--sfn=<stepfunctionname> An example step function name may be
'tibanna_unicorn_defaut_3978'. If not specified, default
value is taken from environmental variable
-S SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP Number of seconds between submission, to avoid drop-
out (default 3)
To check status of workflows,
tibanna stat [<options>]
-t|--status=<status> filter by run status (all runs if not specified).
Status must be one of the following values:
-s|--sfn=<stepfunctionname> An example step function name may be
'tibanna_unicorn_defaut_3978'. If not specified, default
value is taken from environmental variable
variable is not set, it uses name 'tibanna_pony' (4dn
default, works only for 4dn).
-n|--nlines=<number_of_lines> print out only the first n lines
-j|--job-ids <job_id> [<job_id2>] ... job ids of the specific jobs to display, separated by
space. This option cannot be combined with
--nlines(-n), --status(-t) or --sfn(-s). This option is
available only for version >= ``1.0.0``.
The output is a table (an example below)
jobid status name start_time stop_time
2xPih7reR6FM RUNNING md5 2018-08-15 17:45 2018-08-15 17:50
3hbkJB3hv92S SUCCEEDED hicprocessingbam 2018-08-15 16:04 2018-08-15 16:09
UlkvH3gbBBA2 FAILED repliseq-parta 2018-08-09 18:26 2018-08-09 19:01
j7hvisheBV27 SUCCEEDED bwa-mem 2018-08-09 18:44 2018-08-09 18:59
To check the log or postrun json (summary) of a workflow run
tibanna log --exec-arn=<stepfunctionrun_arn>|--job-id=<jobid> [<options>]
tibanna log --exec-name=<exec_name> --sfn=<stepfunctionname> [<options>]
-p|--postrunjson The -p option streams out a postrun json file instead of a log file.
A postrun json file is available only after the run finishes.
It contains the summary of the job including input, output, EC2 config and
Cloudwatch metrics on memory/CPU/disk space.
-r|--runjson print out run json instead, which is the json file tibanna sends to the instance
before the run starts. (new in ``1.0.0``)
-t|--top prints out top file (log file containing top command
output) instead. This top file contains all the top batch command output
at a 1-minute interval. (new in ``1.0.0``)
-T|--top-latest prints out the latest content of the top file. This one contains only the latest
top command output (latest 1-minute interval). (new in ``1.0.0``)
To rerun a failed job with the same input json on a specific step function.
tibanna rerun --exec-arn=<execution_arn>|--job-id=<jobid> --sfn=<target_stepfunction_name> [<options>]
-i|--instance-type=<instance_type> Override instance type for the rerun
-d|--shutdown-min=<shutdown_min> Override shutdown minutes for the rerun
-b|--ebs-size=<ebs_size> Override EBS size for the rerun
-T|--ebs-type=<ebs_size> Override EBS type for the rerun
-p|--ebs-iops=<ebs_iops> Override EBS IOPS for the rerun
-k|--key-name=<key_name> Override key name for the rerun
-n|--name=<run_name> Override run name for the rerun
-a|--appname-filter=<appname> Rerun only if the app name matches the specified app name.
To rerun many jobs that failed after a certain time point
tibanna rerun_many [<options>]
-s|--sfn=<stepfunctionname> An example step function name may be
'tibanna_unicorn_defaut_3978'. If not specified, default
value is taken from environmental variable
variable is not set, it uses name 'tibanna_pony' (4dn
default, works only for 4dn).
-D|--stopdate=<stopdate> e.g. '14Feb2018'
-H|--stophour=<stophour> e.g. 14 (24-hour format, same as system time zone by default)
-M|--stopminute=<stopminute> e.g. 30 (default 0)
-r|--sleeptime=<sleeptime> seconds between reruns (eefault 5)
-o|--offset=<offset> offset between AWS time zone and system time zone (default 0)
e.g. if 17:00 by AWS time zone corresponds to 12:00 by system
time zone, offset must be 5.
-t|--status=<status> filter by status. default 'FAILED', i.e. rerun only failed
-i|--instance-type=<instance_type> Override instance type for the rerun
-d|--shutdown-min=<shutdown_min> Override shutdown minutes for the rerun
-b|--ebs-size=<ebs_size> Override EBS size for the rerun
-T|--ebs-type=<ebs_size> Override EBS type for the rerun
-p|--ebs-iops=<ebs_iops> Override EBS IOPS for the rerun
-k|--key-name=<key_name> Override key name for the rerun
-n|--name=<run_name> Override run name for the rerun
-a|--appname-filter=<appname> Rerun only if the app name matches the specified app name.
tibanna rerun_many --stopdate=14Feb2018 --stophour=15
This example will rerun all the jobs of default step function that failed after 3pm on Feb 14 2018.
To kill a specific job through its execution arn or a jobid
tibanna kill --exec-arn=<execution_arn>|--job-id=<jobid>
If the execution id or job id is not found in the current RUNNING executions (e.g. the execution has already been aborted), then only the EC2 instance will be terminated.
For example, let’s say we run the following job by mistake.
$ tibanna run_workflow --input-json=fastqc.json
The following message is printed out
about to start run fastqc_85ba7f41-daf5-4f82-946f-06d31d0cd293
response from aws was:
{u'startDate': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 11, 20, 15, 0, 71000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'ResponseMetadata': {'RetryAttempts': 0, 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'RequestId': '54664dcc-cd92-11e8-a2c0-51ce6ca6c6ea', 'HTTPHeaders': {'x-amzn-requestid': '54664dcc-cd92-11e8-a2c0-51ce6ca6c6ea', 'content-length': '161', 'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0'}}, u'executionArn': u'arn:aws:states:us-east-1:643366669028:execution:tibanna_unicorn_default3537:fastqc_85ba7f41-daf5-4f82-946f-06d31d0cd293'}
url to view status:
JOBID jLeL6vMbhL63 submitted
EXECUTION ARN = arn:aws:states:us-east-1:643366669028:execution:tibanna_unicorn_default3537:fastqc_85ba7f41-daf5-4f82-946f-06d31d0cd293
To kill this job, use the execution arn in the above message (‘EXECUTION_ARN’) (it can also be found on the Step Function Console)
$ tibanna kill --exec-arn=arn:aws:states:us-east-1:643366669028:execution:tibanna_unicorn_default3537:fastqc_85ba7f41-daf5-4f82-946f-06d31d0cd293
$ tibanna kill --job-id jLeL6vMbhL63
To kill all currently running jobs for a given step function
tibanna kill_all
-s|--sfn=<stepfunctionname> An example step function name may be
'tibanna_unicorn_defaut_3978'. If not specified, default
value is taken from environmental variable
variable is not set, it uses name 'tibanna_pony' (4dn
default, works only for 4dn).
To list all step functions
tibanna list_sfns [-n]
-n show stats of the number of jobs for per status (using this option could slow down the
To collect, save and visualize the resources metrics from Cloud Watch
tibanna plot_metrics --job-id=<jobid> [<options>]
-s|--sfn=<stepfunctionname> An example step function name may be
'tibanna_unicorn_defaut_3978'. If not specified, default
value is taken from environmental variable
variable is not set, it uses name 'tibanna_pony' (4dn
default, works only for 4dn).
-f|--force-upload This flag force the upload of the metrics reports
to the S3 bucket, even if there is a lock (upload
is blocked by default by the lock)
-u|--update-html-only This flag specify to only update the html file
for metrics visualization,
metrics reports are not updated
-B|--do-not-open-browser Do not open the browser to visualize the metrics html
after it has been created/updated
-i|--instance-id=<instance_id> Manually provide instance ID in case Tibanna somehow
can't find the information. This field is not required normally.
To retrieve the cost and update the metrics report file created with plot_metrics. The cost is typically available 24 hours after the job finished. This function is available to non-admin users from version 1.0.6.
tibanna cost --job-id=<jobid> [<options>]
-s|--sfn=<stepfunctionname> An example step function name may be
'tibanna_unicorn_defaut_3978'. If not specified, default
value is taken from environmental variable
variable is not set, it uses name 'tibanna_pony' (4dn
default, works only for 4dn).
-u|--update-tsv Update with the cost the tsv file that stores metrics
information on the S3 bucket
To retrieve cost estimates and update the metrics report file created with plot_metrics. In contrast to the exact costs, the estimated costs are available immediately after the job has completed. The cost estimate will also indicate if it is an immediate estimate (i.e., the exact cost is not yet available), the actual cost or the retrospective estimate (i.e., the exact cost is not available anymore). In case the estimate returns the actual cost and the -u parameter is set, the cost row in the metrics file will be automatically updated. This function requires a (deployed) Tibanna version >=1.0.6.
tibanna cost_estimate --job-id=<jobid> [<options>]
-u|--update-tsv Update with the cost the tsv file that stores metrics
information on the S3 bucket
-f|--force Return the estimate, even if the actual cost is available