Amazon Machine ImageΒΆ
Tibanna now uses the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) ami-06e2266f85063aabc
) and ami-0f3e90ad8e76c7a32
), which are made public for us-east-1
. One can find them among Community AMIs. (Tibanna automatically finds and uses them, so no need to worry about it.)
For regions that are not us-east-1
, copies of these AMIs are publicly available (different AMI IDs) and are auto-detected by Tibanna.
If you want to use your own AMI, you can overwrite the default values in the config
field of the Job Description JSON:
"args": {
"config": {
"ami_per_region": {
"x86": {
"us-east-1": "my_x86_ami_ue1",
"us-east-2": "my_x86_ami_ue2",
"Arm": {
"us-east-1": "my_arm_ami_ue1",
"us-east-2": "my_arm_ami_ue2",