
This pipeline is an example of a conditional output. It chooses between two tasks, paste and cat, depending on the length of the input array (i.e. the number of input files). The former pastes input files horrizontally and the latter concatenates input files vertically. Since we’re using generic commands, we do not need to create a pipeline software component or a Docker image. We will use the existing ubuntu:16.04 Docker image. So, we will just do the following three steps.

  1. create the pipeline description using WDL. (CWL does not support conditional statements)
  2. prepare for a job definition that specifies pipeline, input files, parameters, resources, output target, etc.
  3. run Tibanna.


For input data, let’s use files named smallfile1, smallfile2, smallfile3 and smallfile4 in a public bucket named my-tibanna-test-input-bucket. Each of these files contains a letter (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, and ‘d’, respectively). We feed an array of these files in the following formats (one with length 4, another with length 2):

[smallfile1, smallfile2, smallfile3, smallfile4]
[smallfile1, smallfile2]

(You could also upload your own file to your own bucket and set up Tibanna to access that bucket.)

Pipeline description

This pipeline takes an input file array. If the length of the array is larger than 2 (more than 2 files), it runs paste. If it is smaller than or equal to 2, it runs cat. The former creates a pasted file and the latter creates a concatenated file.

In the former case (paste), the output would look like this:

a  b  c  d

In the latter case (cat), the output would look like:



WDL describes this pipeline in one file and it can be found at To use your own WDL file, you’ll need to make sure it is accessible via HTTP so Tibanna can download it with wget: If you’re using github, you could use like the link above. Content-wise, this WDL does exactly the same as the above CWL.

workflow cond_merge {
    Array[File] smallfiles = []
    if(length(smallfiles)>2) {
        call paste {input: files = smallfiles}
    if(length(smallfiles)<=2) {
        call cat {input: files = smallfiles}

task paste {
    Array[File] files = []
    command {
        paste ${sep=" " files} > pasted
    output {
        File pasted = "pasted"
    runtime {
        docker: "ubuntu:16.04"

task cat {
    Array[File] files = []
    command {
        cat ${sep=" " files} > concatenated
    output {
        File concatenated = "concatenated"
    runtime {
        docker: "ubuntu:16.04"

The pipeline is ready!

Job description

To run the pipeline on a specific input file using Tibanna, we need to create an job description file for each execution (or a dictionary object if you’re using Tibanna as a python module).

Job description for WDL

If the user does not know (or does not want to manually control) which of the two outputs should be sent to S3, one can specify a global name for this output and associate it with the alternative output names. For example, in this case, we could set up a global name to be cond_merge.cond_merged and associate with two alternative names cond_merge.paste.pasted and This way, either of the two will be recognized as cond_merge.cond_merged and will be treated as if it was not a conditional output from the user’s perspective.

An example job description for WDL is shown below and it can also be found at Another example with two input files can be found at Note the field alt_cond_output_argnames under args.

  "args": {
    "app_name": "cond_merge",
    "app_version": "",
    "language": "wdl",
    "wdl_directory_url": "",
    "wdl_main_filename": "cond_merge.wdl",
    "wdl_child_filenames": [],
    "input_files": {
      "cond_merge.smallfiles": {
        "bucket_name": "my-tibanna-test-input-bucket",
        "object_key": ["smallfile1", "smallfile2", "smallfile3", "smallfile4"]
    "secondary_files": {},
    "input_parameters": {},
    "output_S3_bucket": "my-tibanna-test-bucket",
    "output_target": {
        "cond_merge.cond_merged": "some_sub_dirname/my_first_cond_merged_file"
    "alt_cond_output_argnames": {
        "cond_merge.cond_merged": ["cond_merge.paste.pasted", ""]
    "secondary_output_target": {}
  "config": {
    "ebs_size": 10,
    "EBS_optimized": true,
    "instance_type": "t3.micro",
    "password": "whateverpasswordworks",
    "log_bucket": "my-tibanna-test-bucket"

Tibanna run

To run Tibanna,

  1. Sign up for AWS
  2. Install and configure awscli
  1. Install Tibanna on your local machine
  1. Deploy Tibanna (link it to the AWS account)
  1. Run workflow as below.

    cd tibanna
    tibanna run_workflow --input-json=examples/cond_merge/cond_merge_wdl_input.json
    tibanna run_workflow --input-json=examples/cond_merge/cond_merge_wdl_input2.json
  2. Check status

tibanna stat